在中国西部有一个历史悠久的城市,那就是西安。西安这座城市至今已经建立了3100多年。西安是丝绸之路的起点。____ West China, Xi'an is one of the most notable ancient Chinese cities. More than 3,100 years have passed since it was built. Xi'an is the starting point of ______.
在它最繁华的时候是东西方贸易的中心。这座城市有中国最大的明代钟楼,收藏碑石最多的碑林,2000年前的秦始皇兵马俑在这里屹立。 It used to be a ____ connecting the west and the Orient during its prosperous period. Xi'an has the largest ____, which was built in the Ming ___. The largest collection of ancient _____ and the with a ____history of 2,000 years.
这座现代化的城市在飞速发展。西安是华夏文明的不朽都城。Now it is a ____ modern city. Xi'an is an ____city in Chinese culture.
A. 国家
B. 军队
C. 人民
D. 执政党
A. 政治活动
B. 经济制裁
C. 军事手段
D. 科技比拼