
Everybody knows that tomatoes are grown for food, yet there was a time when they were grown only to be admired in a garden. They had many colors –– yellow, pink and red. They looked bright and so pretty that they were known as “love apples”.

A. Tomatoes are grown mainly for food.
B. Tomatoes were grown in the garden for people to admire.
C. Tomatoes have many colors.
D. Tomatoes are known as “love apples”.


English is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the air-ways of the world. Over 70 percent of the world’s mail is written in English. More than 60 percent of the world’s radio programs are in English. Clearly English is an international language.

A. English is very important for pilots.
B. English is spoken by airport control operators.
C. English is used more often in the world’s mail than in radio programs.
D. English is used everywhere in the world.

Language, too, is the product of labor. In farming and hunting and in war, people had to work in groups. They had to say something to one another. This led to the use of speech organs. The organs of the mouth learned to produce different speech sounds, and gradually man learned to speak.

A. Man learned to speak a long time ago.
B. People used to work in groups.
C. Language comes out from labor.
D. Man could only say something very easy at the beginning.

请从四个选项中选择下面代码的输出结果。for m in range(3):print(m, end=””) )

A. 1 2 3
B. 0 1 2
C. 123
D. 012

