
The Chinese government mobilized resources to construct or designate specialized hospitals exclusively for COVID-19 patients. In the early stage of the pandemic, some city's sports stadium and convention centers have been renovated into____to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms.

A. mobile cabin hospitals
B. Fangcang hospitals


With authorization from the public,and digital travel records have been employed as permits for making trips, going to school or work, and accessing certain public venues, and for other daily errands. The results shown on the codes and records provide a base for travel control and differentiated response measures, which has made risk identification and targeted control possible in different areas and at different levels.

A. health QR codes
B. health codes

Choose the translation for each of the expressions.

Fill in the blanks.


A. 立即通知家属
B. 立即通知医生
C. 密切观察生命体征
D. 创造良好治疗环境
E. 专人看护,注意安全
