In the past, the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now, however, everything seems to be in a state ofturmoil.
A. 有秩序的
B. 混乱的
C. 有目的的
D. 无目的的
Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. The principal of the school was an older woman, almost asplumpas mother, and much shorter.
A. 高的
B. 老年的
C. 胖的,丰满的
D. 矮的
A. 决策
B. 决定
C. 选择
D. 抉择
A. 依赖
B. 理性
C. 直觉
D. 犹豫不决
A. 安全性
B. 严谨性
C. 重要性
D. 全能性