
listening for gist. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.What are the speakers talking about ?

A. They are talking about their favorite competition.
B. They are talking about amazing races.
C. They are talking about their running habits.
D. They are talking about rock music.


[音频]What do they think of the topic ?

A. They think the amazing races have both good points and bad points.
B. They think it's bad to have these fierce races.
C. They want to experience theses amzaing races one day.
D. They think these races are unhealthy.

New words and expressions.


A. 自变量X是正态变量,而因变量Y可以不满足正态的要求
B. 因变量Y是正态变量,而自变量X可以精确测量或者严格控制的变量
C. 两变量都要求满足正态分布的随机变量
D. 两变量只要是测量指标就行
E. 因变量Y是定量指标,而自变量X可以是任何类型的数据


A. 距直线的纵向距离相等
B. 距直线的纵向距离的平方和最小
C. 与直线的垂直距离相等
D. 与直线的垂直距离的平方和最小
E. 距直线的平方和最小
