
Which of the following shows the correct sentence stress in normal cases

A. His `brother is my `best Mend.
B. They `help one `another in their work.
C. They have `been in the `countryside recently.
D. She `thought herself `better `than `anyone else.


What rhetorical device is used in the underlined part of the sentence There was an eloquent pause after the story was told?

A. Pun
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Transferred epithet

When a teacher says 'Next, please pay attention to the time of arrival and departure of the planes in the recording .' he/she intends to develop the students skill of __________.

A. predicting
B. getting the general pictures
C. distinguishing sounds
D. getting specific information


Not a single word __________when he was forced to leave home and join the army in 1937.

A. did Mark leave
B. left Mark
C. did leave Mark
D. Mark left
