What is the main reason that managing an international business differs from managing a domestic business?
A. International managers are more experienced
B. Countries differ in their cultures and systems
Countries want to do business with their neighbors
D. Countries want to keep their transactions simple.
Critics of globalization argue that if proponents of globalization were correct about the supposed benefits associated with free trade and investment, then which of the following would have happened?
A. The average GNI per person between the richest and poorest nations would have shrunk
B. The debt burdens of the poorest nations would have increased
C. Tougher environmental and labor laws would have been implemented in less-developed countries
D. Factories based in Mexico would not be cleaner
A. 将已过有效期限的商品上的日期涂覆而销售该商品
B. 谎称某家用电器为“进口原装”进行销售
C. 向消费者出售国际明令淘汰且未标明生产日期的商品
D. 销售未标明中文产品名称、生产厂名和厂址的商品
消费者和经营者发生消费者权益争议的,解决争议的途径包括( )。
A. 与经营者协商解决
B. 根据与经营者达成的仲裁协议提请促裁机构仲裁
C. 请求消费者协会调解
D. 向人民法院提起诉讼
A. 丙公司规定,销售一台电脑给中间人5%的佣金,可不入账
B. 甲灯具厂捏造乙灯具厂偷工减料的实施,但只告诉了乙厂的几家客户
C. 通过某网络电商平台进行生产经营活动的甲公司通过水军“刷单”“刷钻”,误导消费者
D. 乙企业举办抽奖式有奖销售,最高奖为5200元购物券