
A: Something so irritating happened recently with a delivery that I’d ordered. I certainly won’t be using the supplier again.B: 1 ?A: Well, I work from home as a translator for a leading bank. My printer had broken, and I needed a new one urgently. The person who took my order was extremely friendly and promised it would be there the next day.B: OK.A: Mm-hm. It didn’t arrive, and I had waited in all day to receive it! When I phoned the supplier, I got the same friendly, helpful treatment again – they were very sorry, it would definitely be there the following day. But they 2. This went on for the rest of the week.B: 3!A: I was very put out indeed. It was all talk and no action.


某公司出口产品共100箱,该商品的内包装为塑料袋,每袋重1磅,外包装为纸箱,每箱100袋,箱的尺寸为47 x 39×26(立方厘米),经查该商品为5级货,运费计收标准为“M”。5级货,每运费吨的基本运费为367港元,另加转船费l5%,燃料费33%,港口拥挤费5%。问:该货物的运费是多少?


A. 桂枝
B. 知母
C. 粳米
D. 甘草
E. 石膏


A. 清热生津
B. 发汗解表
C. 除烦止渴
D. 宣肺化痰
E. 敛疮生肌


A. 清热泻火
B. 发汗解表
C. 除烦止渴
D. 宣肺化痰
E. 敛疮生肌
