某住宅小区建设中,承包商对其中一幢住宅楼施工所编制的施工组织设计,属于( )。
A. 施工组织总设计
B. 单项工程施工组织设计
C. 单位工程施工组织设计
D. 分部工程施工组织设计
Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer from the four choices provided for each question.
A. They're lucky to find a part-time job.
B. They’re able to borrow a lot of money.
C. They’ve paid all their school expenses.
D. They’ve found campus job information.
choose the best answer from the four choices provided for each question.
A. They will borrow more money for another year.
B. They will never start paying back all this money.
C. They will get sick when owing too much money.
D. They will owe a lot of money when they graduate.
choose the best answer from the four choices provided for each question.
A. To find a job in the career center.
B. To work a few hours after school.
C. To find a part-time job on campus.
D. To get a job that pays enough money.