
听力原文:We’ll all see them on TV commercials with that special gait looking out at us,from the covers of glossy magazines or showing off the latest creations by tailors from Paris and it must have seemed to us that they have lives which are all glamorous.


听力原文:Bob Lee’s new three-season storm-wear is built to keep you absolutely dry.The collection includes 9 models,hand-tailored in Scotland to Mr.Lee’s exact specifications,with waterproof seams,inside pockets for valuables,and elasticized wristlets.All models are available in Hunter Olive.Sizes S-M-L-XL.

听力原文:The morning starts with a jog through the forest followed by a freezing cold shower.Then comes a frugal breakfast.After breakfast there are lectures on all sorts of health subjects,such as smoking,overeating,and maintaining a balanced diet.


A: How do you like movies? B: ______ (我讨厌看电影).
