
The Constitution of 1787 met with strong opposition from the bourgeois democratic personages, headed by Thomas Jefferson, who were called______.

A. Federalists
B. Anti-Federalists
C. Unionists
D. Anti-Unionists


Which of the following is true about the difference between private schools and public schools?

A. Private schools are schools that are provided by federal funding while public schools are provided by state funding.
B. Attending public school is compulsory while attending private school is of personal choice.
C. Attending private school demands families pay tuition while public schools are free.
D. Only public school could lead to the undergraduate education.

The Cold War began after the end of World War II between the Soviet Union and Britain and

A. Franklin D.Roosevelt
B. John Kennedy
C. Dwight D.Eisenhower
D. Harry S. Truman

"The big apple" is often used to describe______.

A. Washington
B. New York City
C. Detroit
D. Houston

The Declaration of Independence which had a great influence on the country was drawn by a

A. George Washington
B. Samuel Adams
C. John Hamilton
D. Thomas Jefferson
