A. 煤干馏气
B. 高炉煤气
C. 煤气化气
D. 油气化气
DC generators are classified according to the manner in which()
A. they are used
B. the field windings are connected to the load
C. the armature circuit is connected to the load
D. the field windings are connected to the armature circuit
A. 上下楼梯膝关节疼痛明显
B. 髌骨周围及膝眼处有压痛,股四头肌可呈萎缩状
C. 本病不会出现膝内翻或膝外翻
D. 膝关节活动时疼痛,特点是初起为发作性,后为持续性,劳累、受寒后加重
E. 膝关节活动受限,不能过伸过屈,跑、跳、蹲、跪等亦有不同程度限制
A. 登机廊桥(客梯车)就位
B. 机上紧急出口、通道保持畅通
C. 派专人监控旅客不得使用明火、吸烟
D. 以上都是