A. 立即制止并报告服务单位
B. 扭送公安机关
C. 对两人进行劝解
D. 制服两人,进行前期的讯问工作
A. 康有为
B. 梁启超
C. 严复
D. 孙中山
Which statement about VPNv6 addresses is true?()
A. The VPNv6 address is a 96-bit route distinguisher and a 128-brt IPv6 address
B. The VPNv6 address is a 64-bit route distinguisher and a 128-bit IPv6 address
C. The VPNv6 address is a 64-brt route distinguisher and a 96-brt IPv6 address
D. The VPMv6 address is a 96-brt route distinguisher and a 96-bit IPv6 address
E. The VPNv6 address is a 128-bit route distinguisher and a 128-brt IPv6 addre
A. dBi=dBd+2.15dB;
B. dBi=dBd+2.5dB;
C. dBd=dBi+2.15dB;
D. dBd=dBi+2.5dB。