
Alcohol may taste sweeter if you were exposed to it before birth, suggests a study in rats. The findings may shed new light【C1】______why human studies have previously【C2】______fetal alcohol exposure to increased alcohol【C3】______later in life, and to a【C4】______age at which a person【C5】______starts drinking alcohol. Alcohol"s taste is a(n) 【C6】______of sweet and bitter components. To【C7】______whether prenatal alcohol exposure could【C8】______the perception of these components, Steven Youngentob at the State University of New York in Syracuse and John Glendinning at Columbia University in New York【C9】______how eagerly rats consumed alcohol, sweet water【C10】______bitter water. They found that young rats whose mothers had consumed alcohol during pregnancy【C11】______alcohol and consumed more of the bitter water than the【C12】______of mothers that didn"t consume alcohol. Rats that had been exposed to alcohol before birth also seemed to be more【C13】______to the smell of alcohol. Prenatal exposure seems to reduce the【C14】______bitterness of alcohol, making it seem【C15】______, says Youngentob. Both of these differences seemed to【C16】______once the rats reached adulthood—but【C17】______they hadn"t tasted alcohol during their youth. If prena-tally exposed rats did consume alcohol in their youth, these preferences seemed to become【C18】______for life. "The take-home message is to keep kids away from【C19】______for as long as possible—【C20】______if they have had prenatal exposure," says Youngentob. 【C14】

A. perceived
B. realized
C. expected
D. acquired


Alcohol may taste sweeter if you were exposed to it before birth, suggests a study in rats. The findings may shed new light【C1】______why human studies have previously【C2】______fetal alcohol exposure to increased alcohol【C3】______later in life, and to a【C4】______age at which a person【C5】______starts drinking alcohol. Alcohol"s taste is a(n) 【C6】______of sweet and bitter components. To【C7】______whether prenatal alcohol exposure could【C8】______the perception of these components, Steven Youngentob at the State University of New York in Syracuse and John Glendinning at Columbia University in New York【C9】______how eagerly rats consumed alcohol, sweet water【C10】______bitter water. They found that young rats whose mothers had consumed alcohol during pregnancy【C11】______alcohol and consumed more of the bitter water than the【C12】______of mothers that didn"t consume alcohol. Rats that had been exposed to alcohol before birth also seemed to be more【C13】______to the smell of alcohol. Prenatal exposure seems to reduce the【C14】______bitterness of alcohol, making it seem【C15】______, says Youngentob. Both of these differences seemed to【C16】______once the rats reached adulthood—but【C17】______they hadn"t tasted alcohol during their youth. If prena-tally exposed rats did consume alcohol in their youth, these preferences seemed to become【C18】______for life. "The take-home message is to keep kids away from【C19】______for as long as possible—【C20】______if they have had prenatal exposure," says Youngentob. 【C11】

A. inclined
B. preferred
C. pursued
D. drank

Alcohol may taste sweeter if you were exposed to it before birth, suggests a study in rats. The findings may shed new light【C1】______why human studies have previously【C2】______fetal alcohol exposure to increased alcohol【C3】______later in life, and to a【C4】______age at which a person【C5】______starts drinking alcohol. Alcohol"s taste is a(n) 【C6】______of sweet and bitter components. To【C7】______whether prenatal alcohol exposure could【C8】______the perception of these components, Steven Youngentob at the State University of New York in Syracuse and John Glendinning at Columbia University in New York【C9】______how eagerly rats consumed alcohol, sweet water【C10】______bitter water. They found that young rats whose mothers had consumed alcohol during pregnancy【C11】______alcohol and consumed more of the bitter water than the【C12】______of mothers that didn"t consume alcohol. Rats that had been exposed to alcohol before birth also seemed to be more【C13】______to the smell of alcohol. Prenatal exposure seems to reduce the【C14】______bitterness of alcohol, making it seem【C15】______, says Youngentob. Both of these differences seemed to【C16】______once the rats reached adulthood—but【C17】______they hadn"t tasted alcohol during their youth. If prena-tally exposed rats did consume alcohol in their youth, these preferences seemed to become【C18】______for life. "The take-home message is to keep kids away from【C19】______for as long as possible—【C20】______if they have had prenatal exposure," says Youngentob. 【C7】

A. clarify
B. prove
C. verify
D. test

夏某与岳某于2000年经人介绍相识,2001年3月登记结婚。岳某18岁入伍。结婚时,岳某在外省某部队机关工作。婚后,夏某的父母赠给两人名人字画6幅,纯金项链1条,金戒指1枚,共价值7.2万元。婚后不久,岳某复员回家,带回医疗费5000元,一次性自主择业费52000元。两人居住的房屋是夏某婚前从单位承租的,婚后两人共同出资购买,但房屋的所有权登记在夏某名下。2011年5月,岳某与一女同事出差时在旅店同居被公安部门查获,后夫妻感情破裂。两个月后,夏某起诉到法院要求离婚,要求房屋及结婚时父母所赠财产全部归某所有,并平均分配岳某从部队带回的医疗费及一次性自主择业费。 岳某带回的医疗费和一次性自主择业费应是岳某个人财产还是夫妻共同财产

