The young are challenging traditional values EXCEPT in ______.
A. clothing fashion
B. traditional concepts
C. fixed working hours
D. marriage patterns
A. 术后腹胀及剧烈咳嗽
B. 低蛋白血症
C. 安置引流物过久
D. 缝合技术欠妥
E. 切口感染
代理人在代理权限内,以( )的名义实施民事法律行为。
A. 自己
B. 被代理人
C. 被代理人所在机关
D. 国家
A. 胆囊结石进入胆总管
B. 胃溃疡
C. 感染伤寒杆菌
E. 甲状旁腺机能亢进症
The purpose of the federal needs analysis is to determine __________.
A. whether a family is on financial aid
B. how much of a family's income is discretionary
C. whether or not a family is below the poverty line
D. how much families should pay in state and local taxes