
电影中的“拉镜头”是指( )。[20lO年真题]

A. 摄影机沿着光轴方向后移拍摄
B. 摄影机沿着水平方向运动拍摄
C. 摄影机在空问中上下运动拍摄
D. 摄影机向被拍摄体逐渐靠近


在电影中交叉蒙太奇是指( )。[2011年真题]

A. 不同时间空间的情节线索并列出现、分别叙述
B. 同一时间的情节线索齐头并进、频繁交替
C. 按照事件发生的逻辑顺序连续叙述
D. 按照事件发生的反向逻辑分别叙述

一般公认的新中国电影诞生的标志影片是( )。[2012年真题]

A. 《林家铺子》
B. 《我这一辈子》
C. 《定军山》
D. 《桥》

In reading science, a heading (标题)often gives a clue (线索)to a problem that is going to be discussed .Getting the problem clearly in your mind is the first step to take in studying such material. You are advised to do this in reading science articles. 1. Read the title and think about it . 2. Read all of the headings .You should get a clear idea of what the problems are without reading anything but the headings. 3. Next , read the article all the way through carefully. Each time you come to a heading that names a problem, read the paragraphs under that heading to find out : 1. more information about the problem; 2.how the problem may be met . This passage offers advice on _______.

在电影中的“移镜头”是指( )。[2011年真题]

A. 摄影机沿着光轴方向后移拍摄
B. 摄影机沿着水平方向运动拍摄
C. 摄影机在空问中上下运动拍摄
D. 摄影机向被拍摄休逐渐靠近
