A. 1.5m
B. 1.6m
C. 1.7m
D. 1.8m
A three-node cluster experienced a node failure. The resource groups were acquired as cexpected. The node has been repaired,and HACMP has been restarted. How does the operator determine that the node has successfully re-integrated into the cluster?()
A. Use the clstat command.
B. Use the cIRGinfor command.
C. Tail the /etc/hacmp.out file and wait for "node_up_complete" to finish successfully.
D. Tail the /usr/es/adm/cluster.log file and wait for "node_up_complete" to finish successfully.
A. 药疹
B. 玫瑰糠疹
C. 传染性湿疹样皮炎
D. 湿疹
E. 体癣
A. 对外周M受体和中枢N受体均有作用
B. 选择性作用于M1、M2受体
C. 首次用药需与氯解磷定合用
D. 为中枢性抗胆碱能受体药
E. 作用时间长(半衰期约6~8小时),不良反应少