A towboat is pushing barges ahead at a dangerously fast speed when().
A. the towboat vibrates when backing down
B. the roostertail exceeds the height of the main deck
C. a strain is placed on the face wires
D. water comes over the foredeck of the lead barge
A. 萧瑟秋风今又是,换了人间
B. 海角天涯今异古,丰收处处秧歌舞
C. 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越
D. 三山飞峙大江边,跃上葱茏四百旋
E. 值得西湖水一圜,画幅长留天地间
A. IDG控制不同的输入速度,并调节输出速度
B. GCU控制不同的输入速度,并调节输出速度
C. GCU监控PMG的频率并控制伺服活门