

A. 正确
B. 错误



A. 某县张副县长给县财政局刘局长打电话,让其安排县财政局下属单位给自己进一台笔记本电脑
B. 某国家机关王主任收到其让同学代买的手机一部
C. 某私营企业经理董某向该企业员工索要高档香烟一条
D. 某国家机关李处长向其亲属借用住房一套

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service is generating a separate namespace declaration for each body member of a message contract,even though all body members share the same namespace. You need to simplify the XML representation of your message contract so that the namespace is only declared once. What should you do?()

A. Declare a wrapper namespace for the message contract by using the WrapperNamespace property of the MessageContract attribute
B. Explicitly set the Namespace property of all the MessageBodyMember attrbutes to the same namespace.
C. Declare all of the body members as properties of a DataContract class and use the class as the only body member of the message contract.
Declare all of the body members as properties of a separate MessageContract class and use the class as the only body member of the message contract.


A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 钢板焊接
B. 法兰连接
C. 螺栓连接
D. 型钢焊接
