关于项目贷款说法正确的是() ①项目贷款包括固定资产项目贷款、房地产项目贷款、城建项目贷款,以及与此三类项目贷款相关的银团贷款及贷款承诺类业务等 ②固定资产项目贷款包括基本建设贷款、技术改造贷款 ③房地产项目贷款包括房地产开发贷款、土地储备贷款 ④城建项目贷款包括城市基础设施建设项目贷款、开发区建设项目贷款 ⑤若项目贷款(房地产开发贷款除外)中涉及流动资金贷款、商业汇票承兑、商业承兑汇票贴现、银行保证、贸易融资等一般授信业务,可不计入项目贷款中
A. ①②③④⑤
B. ①②③
C. ①③④⑤
D. ①②③④
While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel’s stern lines to part. The stern begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure(s) should you take FIRST?()
A. Notify the engineroom of the need for propulsion
B. Shut down any cargo transfer that's in progress
C. Let go the port anchor and veer to a short scope of chain
D. Obtain assistance from the terminal to put new stern lines out