下列程序的功能是统计字符串中“array”的个数,在程序的空白处应填入的正确选项是()。 public class FindKeyWords(public static void main(sring[]args){ sting text= "An array is a data structur that stores a eollection of" +"values of the same type.You access each individu- al value" +"through an integer index.For example.if a is an array" +"of inergers,then all]is the ith integer in the ar- ray."; Int arrayCount=0; Int idex=-l; Sting arrarStr="array": Index=text.indexof(arrayStr); While(index 0){ ++arrayCount: Index+=arrayStr.1ength; Index=text.indexof(arrayStr,index); } System.OUt.println ("the text contains"+arrayCount+"arrays"); } }