
1.When the electricity is switched off, the ROM is cleared ofits contents, the RAM is not.
2.IF-THEN-ELSE structures in a programming language provide selection.
3.A program in its original form is known as an object program, and the translated version is known as a source program.
4.The CPU is the most important piece of hardware in the entire system and yet one of the simplest.
5.The lowercase letters come after the uppercase letters in the ASCII table.
6.Queue insertions and deletions are made at the same end ofthe queue.
7.Improvements in software quality are necessary to reduce program maintenance costs.
8.A recursive procedure is one that activates itself during its activations.
9.A floppy diskette machine is an example of a direct access storage device.
10.Comments specify actions for a computer to perform when a program is run.


WebSQL is a SQL-like(1)language for extracting information from the web. Its capabilities for performing navigation of web(2)make it a useful tool for automating several web-related tasks that require the systematic processing of either all the links in a(3), all the pages that can be reached from a given URL through(4)that match a pattern, or a combination of both. WebSQL also provides transparent access to index servers that can be queried via the Common(5)Interface.

血液中脂肪蛋白含量的增多,会增加人体阻止吸收过多的胆固醇的能力,从而降低血液中 的胆固醇。有些人通过有规律的体育锻炼和减肥,能明显地增加血液中高浓度脂肪蛋白的含量。由此可知:

A. 体育锻炼和减肥是降低血液中高胆固醇的最有效的办法
B. 有些人通过有规律的体育锻炼和减肥来降低血液中的胆固醇
C. 标准体重的人只需要通过有规律的体育锻炼就能降低血液中的胆固醇
D. 不经常进行体育锻炼的人,特别是胖子,随着年龄的增大,I缸液中出现胆固醇的风险越来越大

The UNIX system contains several()that comply with the definition of a software tool. Among them are programs that(2)and manipulate text, programs that analyze text files,and programs that format text files to produce high quality hard copy suitable for(3).
One characteristic ofthese tools is that they operate on ordinary text(4), which means that you can read the input and output files by simply listing them on a(5).
(1) terminal (2) keyboard (3) programs (4) programming (5) files
(6) directories (7) create (8) build (9) publication (10) painting

Mobile computers—which(1)laptops, notebooks, subnotebooks and handhelds—(2)so ubiquitous in such a short time, no surprise to hear who say:"It will define the leading edge(3)the next five years or so."The most remarkable(4)mobile computers is the amount of data storage and memory packed(5)their tiny boxes. These devices not only handle windows easily but also run storage-hungry programs.
