A.Always use a microphone.B.Avoid large rooms.C.Never vary the volume.D.Not to shout.
Always use a microphone.
B. Avoid large rooms.
C. Never vary the volume.
D. Not to shout.
对个人购买福利彩票、赈灾彩票、体育彩票,一次中奖收入在1万元以下的(含1万元)暂免征收个人所得税,超过l万元的,全额征收个人所得税。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 个人按市场价格出租住房的收入
B. 个人转让著作权
C. 文艺团体演出的门票收入
D. 远洋企业程租业务
______he had done it, he knew it was a mistake.
A. Since
B. In order that
C. As long as
D. As soon as
You can go out to play______you stay in the backyard.
A. supposing
B. as long as
C. if
D. though