
若有定义float x=1.5;int a=1,b=3,c=2;,则正确的switch语句是A.swimh(x) {case 1.0:printf("*\n"若有定义float x=1.5;int a=1,b=3,c=2;,则正确的switch语句是

A. swimh(x) {case 1.0:printf("*\n"); case 2.0:printf("**\n");}
B. switch((int)x); {case 1:printf("*\n"); case 2:printf("**\n");}
C. switch(a+
D. {case 1:pfintf("*\n"); case 2+1:pfintf("**\n");}switch(a-I-{case 1:pfintf("*\n"); case c:printf("**\n");}


2004年6月,C职员在清理审计档案时发现1990年2月至1992年2月期间归档的审计S公司的一批审计档案,包括审计报告书副本、已审计会计报表以及相关审计测试工作底稿等。1992年2月后,A会计事务所除在1995年5月向S公司提供一项内部控制设计服务外,未向其提供任何其它服务。C职员请示该批审计档案能否销毁。A会计师事务所相关负责人指示,在经主任会计师批准、并按规定履行相关手续后可以全部销毁。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

丙公司拟增加注册资本3000万元。某股东根据增资协议,投入货币资金1000万元。A注册会计师获取并审验了丙公司提供的银行收款凭证、银行出具的确认收讫1000万元投资款的询证函回函,据以确认该股东投入的货币资金已到位。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

When the children are doing body exercises, the parents should NOT______.

A. explain the importance of physical activity in keeping people shaped and slim
B. also take part in the activities by themselves
C. lay to find out activities that are suitable for the children
D. encourage the children to participate in physical activities

It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. CD sales are on the increase
B. for big profits music companies would not employ minor artists if they use "everywhere Internet audio" system
C. many people assemble at phoniest, org daily only to discuss downloading music on Internet
D. the new system is applicable with government approval and industry cooperation
