


医院“基本用药供应目录”品规数(医院自制制剂除外)西药< ,中成药< 品规数,“基本用药供应目录”外药品的采购不超过本院药品总品规数的 %。

The figure below shows a record used for recording information about a named event. Which of the following statement is incorrect? VAR r﹕ record event﹕array[1..10] of char; place﹕array[1..20] of r

A. This is a one-dimensional array of records,also called a table.
B. This is so called record of arrays;
C. The event can occur in up to 20 places and on up to 5 different dates in each place.
D. A reference to r.place[i].date[j].mo will access the month of the jth occurrence,in the ith place,of the event named in r.event.

Suppose V1=,V2=,where R is the set of real numbers,+, and? are respectively addition and multiplication.Let f﹕R→R and f(x) = ex, which of the following propositions is true?

A. f is a surjective homomorphism from V1 to V2
B. f is an injective homomorphism from V1 to V2
C. f is an isomorphism from V1 to V2
D. None of the above

Which routing algorithm is described below? It is a mechanism in which the setding station determines the route the frame will follow and includes the routing information with the frame; bridges read

A. Fixed Routing
B. Spanning Tree
C. Source Routing
D. Frame Forwarding
