Which of the following is most likely a recommended procedure for complying with the Standard on performance presentation?
A. Exclude terminated accounts from past performance history.
B. Present the performance of a representative account to show how a composite has performed.
Consider the level of financial knowledge of the audience to whom the performance is presented.
Which of the following actions is a required, rather than recommended, action under the Standard regarding diligence and a reasonable basis for a firms research recommendations?
A. Compensate analysts based on a measure of the quality of their research.
B. Review the assumptions used and evaluate the objectivity of third-party research reports.
C. Have a policy requiring that research reports and recommendations have a basis that can be substantiated as reasonable and adequate.
Hern Investments provides monthly emerging market research to Baker Brokerage in exchange for prospective client referrals and European equity research from Baker. Clients and prospects of Hern are no
A. Not violated the Code and Standards.
B. Violated the Code and Standards by using third-party research in discretionary accounts.
C. Violated the Code and Standards by failing to disclose the referral agreement with Baker.
A distribution of returns that has a greater percentage of small deviations from the mean and a greater percentage of extremely large deviations from the mean compared to a normal distribution:
A. Is positively skewed.
B. Has positive excess kurtosis.
C. Has negative excess kurtosis.
Which of the following includes only sections of the Global Investment Performance Standards?
A. Disclosure,Public Equity,Presentation and Reporting.
B. Real Estate,Calculation Methodology,Fundamentals of Compliance.
C. Input Data,Composite Construction,Wrap Fee/Speculative Margin Account(SMA) Portfolios.