
Complete these sentences with the words or phrases in the box.Blood pressurecirculationmusclespainkillerbrainheartbeatorganrelaxation1. When we laugh, we use 15 different ________ in our face.2. Laughter is good for every ________ in our body.3. When we laugh, ____________ our goes down.4. Laughter makes our ____________ better.5. A beta-endorphin is a natural __________.6. Laughter makes our _________________ lower.7. Laughter makes a natural painkiller in our ________.8. Forty-five minutes of __________ is the same as one minute of laughter.


神州十三号航天员是( )。

A. 翟志刚
B. 王亚平
C. 叶光富
D. 刘伯明
E. 杨利伟

平面图形中,使静矩为零的轴必为对称轴。( )

A. 错
B. 对

中性轴是梁的( )。

A. 纵向对称面与中性层的交线
B. 纵向对称面与横截面的交线
C. 横截面与梁顶面或底面的交线
D. 横截面与中性层的交线

矩形截面梁,若其宽度和高度都增加1倍,则其弯曲强度提高为原来的( )。

A. 8倍
B. 16倍
C. 2倍
D. 4倍
