Not only is the federal court structure different from those in the states, but there is also tremendous diversity among the individual states.(3.3)
A. 渊源
B. 种类
C. 多样性
D. 特征、特性、特点
Such diversity makes it difficult to generalize about the “typical” state court system.(3.3)
A. 典型的
B. 具体的
C. 特殊的
D. 一般的
Consequently, two states may have entirely different __________ of the same criminal act and two entirely different penalties for it.(3.3)
A. descriptions
B. definitions
C. determinations
D. deterioration
Although there is no “typical” state court system because __________ allows each state to adopt a court system tailored to its individual needs, a state court system usually includes several levels, or tiers, of courts.(3.3)
A. feudalism
B. feasibility
C. fabulous
D. federalism
Generally, any person who is a party to a lawsuit has the opportunities to __________ the case before a trial court and then, if he or she fails, before at least one level of appellate court.(3.3)
A. please
B. flee
C. appease
D. plead