Pierre Paul Broca (1824-1880) was a _________ physician, surgeon, and anatomist. He worked with patients who had brain damage. He concluded that different regions in the brain were involved in specific functions.
B. French
C. English
D. Russian
In the 19th century, von Hemholtz, a German physician and physicist, measured the speed at which nerve cells produced electrical impulses.
A. Canadian
B. English
C. French
D. German
During 1873, Gamillo Golgi (1843-1926), an Italian physician and pathologist, used silver chromate salt to see what neurons looked like.
A. French
B. Germany
C. Italian
D. Russian
GamilloGolgi(1843-1926),anItalianphysicianandpathologist,istheFounderofModern _______________.
A. PublicHealth
B. Surgery
C. Psychology
D. Neuroscience
Early in the 20th century, Santiago Ramóny Y. Cajal (1852–1934), a Spanish pathologist and neuroscientist, hypothesized that the neurons are independent nerve cell units.
B. Spanish
C. Germany
D. French