翻译,把下列句子翻译成汉语1、A data type is composed of a type and a collection of operations to manipulate the type. The realization of a data type is an abstract data type (ADT) which is a software component. An ADT does not specify how to implement the data type. The hiding of implementation details from the user and protecting it from outside access is referred to as encapsulation.2、A list is a finite, ordered sequence of data items known as elements.3、The array-based list and the linked list are the two standard implementing approaches.4、Compared to a list, a stack is a “LIFO” list and a queue is a “FIFO” list. So, there are many variations on the implementations of stack and queue.5、A binary search tree is a kind of binary tree that has a semantic property on nodes’ values. The value in each node must be greater than the value in any node in its left subtree and smaller than the value in any node in its right subtree.6、In a tree, a node is restricted to be pointed by at most one other node. If we remove this restriction on node, then we get a new data structure called a graph. A graph consists of a set of vertices and set of edges. Each edge is a connection between a pair of vertices.7、The most common graph traversal methods are depth-first traversal and breadth-first traversal.8、A file is a collection of related data treated as a unit.9、An access method defines how records can be retrieved: sequentially or randomly. Records in a sequential file can only be read and written in sequence. An indexed file is made up of a sequential data file and an index. The index is used to map the key to the address in an indexed file. The hashed file does not need an extra file (index). It uses mathematical function to implement this mapping. Hashing methods are used for key-address mapping.10、A hash collision is a situation when a hashing algorithm produces an address for the key but that address is already occupied. Collision is an issue for the hashing methods.11、Collision resolution methods find a new address for the hashed data that cannot be inserted.12、The most commonly used collision resolution methods are open addressing resolution and linked list resolution.