录用函真题练习September 26, 2016Dear John,After looking through your _______(1. 简历) and the _________(2. 推荐信)aboutyou, wehave found that you reallyhavegood _______ (3. 经验)inpushingsales.Andthe _______(4. 面试) wehadon September 20 impressed us very much. Inviewofthese we’vealreadydecided to _______ (5. 录取)you.We wish you will be at office on September 28.In addition, we want you to knowthat thedurationofthe ________ (6. 试用期)will be 3months, with a pay of 1,200 dollarspermonth. Ifyouare ______ (7. 适合)forthejobweoffer,we shall _______ (8 . 雇佣)you ______ (9. 至少)3 years and the ________ (10. 月薪)will be1,500dollars.Welookforwardtoseeingyousoon.Sincerely yours,Bob