Theological language abounds in ____'s love poetry, and daringly erotic images in his religious verse.
A. Christopher Marlowe
B. John Milton
C. William Shakespeare
D. John Donne
In 1638 Milton contributed the pastoral elegy____ to a Cambridge volume lamenting the untimely death of a college contemporary. This greatest of English funeral elegies explores Milton’s deep anxieties about poetry as a vocation, confronts the terrors of mortality in language of astonishing resonance and power.
A. “L’Allegro”
B. “Lycidas”
C. “Il Penseroso”
D. “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity”
John Milton's ____offers a sweeping imaginative vision of Hell, Chaos, and Heaven; idyllic life in Eden; the power of the devil’s political rhetoric; the psychology of Satan, Adam, and Eve; and the high drama of the Fall and its aftermath.
A. “Lycidas”
B. Samson Agonistes
C. Paradise Regained
D. Paradise Lost
The majestic achievement of Paradise Lost depends on the poet’s rejection of heroic couplets and his use of unrhymed ____ as a recovery of “ancient liberty.”
A. free verse
B. iambic pentameter
C. blank verse
D. Spencerian stanza
John Donne’s poems are full of startling images, some of them exciting and others grotesque.
A. 对
B. 错