
Unit one Text 2 Question 3: According to the third paragraph, Hughes’s collection of letters are _____

A. the exact reason responsible for both his fame and notoriety.
B. personalized description of his double identity as a public and a private figure.
C. reflections of his struggle between his literary devotion and the reality.
D. his meditation and exploration on the literary world and the essence of literature.


Unit one Text 2 Question 4: From the letters, we may find the cause of Hughes’s internal struggle is _____

A. his eager and unsatisfied passion for literature.
B. that he is a part-private, part-public creature.
C. that he is constrained by the fear of his privacy being exposed to the criticism of the public.
D. the moral torment exerted by himself.

Unit one Text 2 Question 5: By “lucky readers” in the last sentence, the author means_____

A. children who are imparted with the beauty and wisdom of poetry.
B. children who have a headfull of fantastic and verbally perfect songs.
C. children who own blocks of refined and achieved and exemplary language.
D. children who are believed to have the guardian angel installed behind the tongue.

Unit one Text 3 Question 1: The author uses the metaphor“hot iron” to imply that_____

A. UBS again becomes a victim of America’s mortgage market.
B. UBS’s capital base has obtained adequate financial support to digest its debt.
C. those measures will forcefully stop UBS from further loss.
D. good news from those measures would prevent UBS from bankruptcy.

Unit one Text 3 Question 2: Compared with the mark-to-market valuations, the mark-to-model approach could _____

A. slow down the worsening in credit quality.
B. present the effect of instantly crystallization of all expected future loss.
C. show data against a worsening the credit quality.
D. accelerate the deterioration in credit quality.
