
老年人患病的特点是:( )

A. 患病率高
B. 同时患多种疾病
C. 疾病影响严重
D. 发病缓慢、临床表现不典型
E. 疾病的发展不同于一般人群


There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______

A. Britain, Scotland and Wales
B. England, Scotland and Wales
C. Britain, Scotland and Ireland
D. England, Scotland and Ireland

What is the common internet domain address for Britain?

A. .br
B. .gb
C. .uk
D. .gi

Which is the smallest of the four nations?

A. Northern Ireland
B. Scotland
C. England
D. Wales

Which of the four nations' flags is not incorporated in the flag of the UK?

A. Wales
B. Scotland
C. England
D. North Ireland
