
He has a bad impression of his _______ in the office.

A. colleagues
B. bullets
C. barbers
D. audience


一个点如果在V面上,他的三个投影( )。

A. 一个投影在坐标轴上
B. 两个投影在坐标轴上
C. 三个投影在坐标轴上
D. 条件不够,不能确定

一个点如果在X轴上,它的三个投影( )

A. 一个投影在原点上
B. 两个投影在原点上
C. 一个投影在坐标轴上
D. 条件不够,不能确定

一个点如果一个投影在X轴,一个投影在Z轴上,则它的( )坐标值为0。

A. X
B. Y
C. Z
D. 条件不够,不能确定

Watch a video and fill in the blanksHow to work in 1._________? My number one tip is to always have a 2.________ and sometimes this is going to be 3.________. Sometimes you don’t want to smile at people or you just show up to work and you are 4.__________, like, that happens to me a lot. I’m not going to 5._________. But the minute that you walk in the door of your store or wherever you’re working, just, make a point to smile at everybody, be friendly, be nice, because you could be the person that 6.___________. If someone’s having a horrible day and then they come to your 7.________ and you are happy, you’re smiling, you’re very nice and you get the job done efficiently while still having, like, a great conversation with somebody or making it more than a 8.___________, that’s what they say these days.
