The urban message kids get runs completely counter to what they are born with, a natural interest in other life forms. Just watch a child in a first encounter with a flower or an ant — there is instant interest and fascination. We condition them out of it.Question: What does the author mean by saying "we condition them out of it"?
A. Being influenced by adults, children lose their interest in other life forms.
Being influenced by adults, children are out of control.
C. Being influenced by adults, children are out of school.
D. Being influenced by adults, children are out of work.
(Unit8)In the text of Hidden Lessons, the author is astonished at how children in urban settings are taught to see nature as dangerous, or as a nuisance.
A. True
B. False
判断题:In Hidden Lessons, the author thinks it is unnecessary for us to care about nature when we have modern technology.
A. True
B. False
A. received
B. conceived
C. deceived
D. believed
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