
According to the Keeper of Archaeology, which of the following is true?

A. He had expected more of the fort to be revealed.
B. The palisade was very primitive.
C. Only prison labor could produce such good results.
D. The methods to construct the Roman fort were proved identical.



A. 正确
B. 错误


A. -80
B. -80
C. -80.0
D. -80.0e

听力原文: This week, the World Health Organization released its first country-by-country look at environmental health risks. (21) These include pollution, dangers in the workplace and ultraviolet radiation from the sun. They also include risks like noise, unsafe agricultural methods, climate change and people's behavior. (23) The report says making environmental conditions healthier could prevent thirteen million deaths each year. Research on close to two hundred countries found that the worst affected include Angola, Burkina Faso, Mali and Afghanistan. The study found that two major environmental risks cause more than ten percent of the deaths in twenty three countries. (22) These risks are unsafe water and indoor air pollution from burning wood, coal or animal waste for fuel.
The World Health Organization reported the environmental health risks, NOT including

A. pollution, dangers in the workplace.
B. ultraviolet radiation, noise.
C. unsafe agricultural methods, climate change.
D. wars between countries.


A. 非公众
B. 顺意公众
C. 潜在公众
D. 边缘公众
