某银行2006年初正常类贷款余额为10 000亿元,其中在2006年末转为关注类、次级类、可疑类、损失类的贷款金额之和为800亿元,期初正常类贷款期间因回收减少了600亿元,则正常类贷款迁徙率()。
A. 为0%
B. 为2%
C. 为5%
D. 因数据不足无法计算
A. 信誉好
B. 资信好
C. 负债少
D. 资本高
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer)
Print Chr(KeyCode)
End Sub
Private SubForm_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Print Chr(KeyAscii)
End Sub
在一般情况下(即不按住“Shift”键和锁定大写键时) 运行程序,若按“T”键,则程序输出的结果是A
A. T T
B. t T
C. T t
D. t t
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i=1 To x-1
If b$="WOR",Then S=S+1
Print S
End Sub
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
The brave Santa is just one feature Of the Holiday Train, which zips through the city's subway and on top of its elevated tracks, surprising commuters and delighting youngsters.
Holiday music booms over the speakers, the hand poles are wrapped in red and white paper to look like giant candy canes, and jolly ol' St. Nick -- wearing his seat belt, of course -- rides on a sleigh placed on an open flatbed car in the middle of the train.
The train, which costs a regular $1.50 fare, alternates trips on six of the city's seven train lines on weekends and some Mondays between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Three of the train's cars derailed Saturday evening, but no one was injured. The derailment disrupted service on the subway's Brown line for about six hours but wasn't expected to change the train's schedule.
The Holiday Train began in 1992 with a few modest decorations on the outside. This year's version is draped in garland and twinkles with 50,000 lights inside and out.
Although a schedule is posted on the Internet, many riders end up on the train by chance. Along with excited children whose parents planned the trip, plenty of sour-faced commuters break into silly grins and laughs when they find their normally drab, beige train car turned into a winter wonderland.
"It's beautiful!" exclaimed Rochelle Sims as she boarded the train last week after work. Sims looked overhead at the red and green bulbs that had replaced the normal fluorescent glare. "This puts me in the Christmas mood. It makes commuting more fun."
Dave Kowalski, on board a recent trip as Santa's "chief elf", admits that the Holiday Train gets a "little extra TLC."
This year's train took about six weeks to decorate. About a week after Christmas, it will be stripped of its decorations and return to the regular fleet.
Who is "jolly o1' St. Nick" in this passage?
A saint in the history of Christianity.
B. The dressed-up train driver.
C. The dressed-up conductor.
D. Santa Claus.