
Which of the following is not the potential application of ESCs:

A. Cell replacement therapies
B. Regenerative medicine
C. Drug discovery
D. Mental therapy


Human umbilical cord stem cells belong to ______________________.

A. totipotent stem cells
B. multipotent stem cells
C. differentiated cells
D. cancer stem cells

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) aredescribedas:

A. havinganormalkaryotype
B. maintaininghightelomeraseactivity
C. exhibitingremarkablelong-termproliferativepotential
D. havingtheabilitytodifferentiateintoalltypesoftissuesandorgans

Potential applications of human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) include:

A. cell replacement therapies
B. drug discovery
C. regenerative medicine
D. models of genetic disorders

Thecellsurfaceantigenscommonlyusedtoidentifyhuman embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are:

A. SSEA-3/4
B. Tra-1-60
C. Tra-1-70
D. Tra-1-81
