
(Unit 8) And when my 3-year-old comes wandering in with her treasures — millipedes, spiders, slugs and sowbugs that she catches under rocks lining the front lawn — children and adults alike usually respond by saying “yuk”. Question: From the sentence, we can know that both children and adults dislike these insects.

A. True
B. False


Human rights are the ___ rights to all human beings.

A. yuk
B. folly
C. inherent
D. easy


A. 占领,占据
B. 不屈不挠的
C. 认真的
D. 重大的

The long drought was followed by months of____.

A. famine
B. tame
C. fancy
D. fatigue

The two of them can't even be in the same room together, because they ______ each other.

A. counter
B. against
C. loathe
D. elicit
