我爷爷奶奶能接受去度假村过周末简直是个奇迹。(be nothing short of)It ___________________that my grandparents have agreed to spend the weekend in the vacation village.
他觉得把自己的房子租给那几个年轻人当办公室简直是个灾难。(be nothing short of)He felt that it _______________________ to rent his house to the young men as an office.
我们骑自行车上班不是为了省钱,而是为了保护环境。(not … but rather)We choose to go to work by bike ________________________________.
他的问题不是他不愿意努力,而是他没有计划。(not … but rather)His problem is not _________________, but rather his lack of planning.
A. 能计算有效期
B. 能准确反映实际情况
C. 能及时找出影响稳定性的因素
D. 考察时间短
E. 试验时需要控制温度和湿度