
[音频]Use your notes to complete the statements below.According to the principle of individual rights, you have the right to__________.

A. do what is best for yourself
B. make other people do things
C. make your own decisions


According to the principle of common good, you should choose actions that help__________,

A. everyone
B. the most people
C. yourself

According to the principle of common good, you should choose actions that harm____________.

A. no one
B. the fewest people
C. anyone but you

构成比的重要特点是各组成部分的百分比之和( )

A. 一定大于100%
B. 一定小于l00%
C. 一定等于100%
D. 一定等于0
E. 随资料而异

比较两地区的肺癌死亡率时,进行率的标准化,其目的是( )

A. 使大的率变小
B. 使小的率变大
C. 使率能更好的代表实际水平
D. 消除资料内部构成不同的影响,使率具有可比性
E. 起加权平均的作用
