A. 小胶质细胞增生
B. 神经细胞变性、坏死
C. 镂空的筛网状软化灶形成
D. 早期大量中性粒细胞浸润,形成血管套
E. 病变以大脑皮质、基底核及视丘最为严重
[音频]Listen and fill in the gaps. All answers are in lower case.(01)Anthony Sheldon, a (02)at a top British College, has (03)that computers will replace teachers. Intelligent computers, he says, will become the teachers. Teachers will be(04) to today’s classroom (05). They will be responsible for (06) , set up the computers, and help children who need (07). However, they will no longer (08)students.AI computers will now (09)on knowledge at least as well as teachers do. They offer many (10) over humans. The software will (11) the best possible education, and it will be (12)to students 24 hours a day for as long as they want it. Students will be able to work at their own pace on courses that they have chosen. AI will be able to understand what is (13)for them and (14) information at the right learning level. AI computers will also respond to the voices and faces of students and will even understand how a student is feeling. Sheldon (15) that this will allow them to provide the(16) once thought only possible through human (17). In fact, it will completely change (18)as we know it. And it will be here within 10 years.
[音频]Please listen and fill in the correct words. All Answers are lower case.Artificial intelligence may one day (01)all paint like van Gogh. An AI system (2)Vincent can take a (03)from an (04)person and turn it into a painting. In fact, if you have an idea of a picture, you can use Vincent’s pen to start drawing the (05) . Vincent will then turn what you have (06) into a (07)piece of art. (08)AI art (09)have produced very(10) images. Vincent is a big improvement. It (11)much better to the “artist” and produces more (12)pictures.Vincent was taught to paint by “studying” over 8,000 famous(13) of art. The art was the(14) from which Vincent learned important (15) of art such as contrast, color and(16) . Vincent’s creators had a major breakthrough in machine learning because they “only” needed to use 8,000 pictures. 5 years ago they would have needed (17). It is impressive that Vincent can make some beautiful art. But it is more impressive that the researchers were able to greatly speed up (18)learning.