
What do most Americans think about health care in the US?

A. It must be in total chaos.
B. It must be a free competition system.
C. It should cover the unemployed.
D. It should involve private care.


Paragraph 3 implies that, in 1979, ______.

A. the environmental justice issues were first brought to court in Houston
B. environmental activists cooperated in defying the US government
C. the government intervention helped promote environmental justice
D. environmental problems attracted the attention of the government

With respect to getting environmental justice, Summit II was aimed for______.

A. showing the achieved success
B. attracting national attention
C. identifying relevant issues
D. finding solutions to the problems

In paragraph 1, the word "residents" refers to______in particular.

A. ethnic groups in the US
B. the American general public
C. African Americans
D. the US working-class

On a warm sunny day the river seems ______ and benign, and it's hard to believe it can be

A. treacherous
B. perilous
C. placid
D. turbulent
