Claiming a star as your own has every bit as much logic to it. What does ‘claim’ mean in this sentence()
A. to say that sth is ture
B. to gain, win or achieve sth
C. to offcially demand or receive money from an organization because you have a right to it
D. to state that you have a right to have or own sth
Which of the following statement is NOT true about Venus()
A. Venus looks bigger and brighter because she is much closer than the stars
B. Venus makes her own light
C. Venus doesn’t have a magnetic field
D. Venus has an atmosphere sort of similar to Earth’s
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the author of The Glass Castle()
A. Jeannette Walls is a successful editor, journalist, and writer
B. Jeannette Walls was born in Phoenix, Arizona, in the US
C. Jeannette Walls was graduated from Harvard University
D. Her novel The Glass Castle is a memoir of her early childhood, her family, their lifestyle and her career
Which of the following statement is NOT true about Betelgeuse()
A. Betelgeuse is the brightest star in the Orion constellation
Betelgeuse has a reddish glow
C. Betelgeuse is one of three stars that make up the Winter Triangle
D. Betelgeuse would soon become a supernova and burn out
Which of the following statements best summarizes the passage The Glass Castle()
A. The writer’s family was so poor that they couldn’t afford presents for each other at Christmas
B. The writer never believed in Santa Claus
C. The writer wrote about her real and imaginary life as a child
D. The writer described the unconventional but highly inventive way of celebrating Christmas