A. 肺发育不全
B. 肺内透明膜形成
C. II型肺泡上皮细胞分泌大量活性物质
D. 肺不张
E. 有的病例可见吸入的羊水成分
A. 是我国头颈部恶性肿瘤中最常见类型之一
B. 与EB病毒感染关系密切,测定该病毒抗体具有一定的诊断意义
C. 与遗传因素和亚硝胺类物质也有一定关系,故发病有地域和家族聚集倾向
D. 多发生于鼻咽顶部,易出现早期血道转移
E. 最常见的肉眼类型是结节型,其次是菜花型
Which of the following factor is NOT an element of a cause-and-effect relationship?
A. Fact
B. Problem
D. Effect
Which of the following statements is false about the relationship of causes, problems and effects?
A. Most often causes exist before the problem.
B. Effects tend to occur after the problem has arisen.
C. Effects of an event can be the causes of another event.
D. Causes of an event cannot be the effects of another event.