A. 属于中国农业银行本地卡的,网点经核实客户信息无误后将长款资金转账存入客户账户
B. 属于中国农业银行异地卡的,连同交易手续费上划上级行差错处理部门处理
C. 无卡交易发生长款的,退入原存款卡
D. 发生短款的,由设备供应商或维护商按照合同约定先行赔付
Which one of the following information can not be found in engine room induction according to the passage?()
A. special precautions to deal with heat
B. engine room safety procedures such as earmuffs, safety glasses, work clothes
C. emergency escapes
D. the location of safety equipment around the shi