A. 减小铁芯发热程度
B. 减少用铁量
C. 拆装方便
D. 增大磁通
To thoroughly pump out the bilges using a horizontally mounted centrifugal pump, the ().
A. pump must always be primed
B. volute must impart a radial and rotary motion of the water suction side
C. connection must guide the liquid to the lantern rings
D. stuffing box should not be allowed any water leakage
A. 保护投入;
B. 变压器运行;
C. 设备运行;
D. 负荷分配。
A. 进行导游时未佩戴导游证的
B. 擅自增加或减少旅游项目的
C. 未经旅行社委派而私自承揽导游业务的
D. 有损国家利益行为的