

A. 转移性肺癌
B. 中央型肺癌
C. 粟粒性肺结核
D. 纵隔淋巴肉瘤
E. Pancoast肿瘤



A. 载脂蛋白A
B. 载脂蛋白B
C. 载脂蛋白C
D. 载脂蛋白D
E. 载脂蛋白E

1. interface A { public void aMethod(); } 2. interface B { public void bMethod(); } 3. interface C extends A,B { public void cMethod(); } 4. class D implements B { 5. public void bMethod() { } 6. } 7. class E extends D implements C { 8. public void aMethod() { } 9. public void bMethod() { } 10. public void cMethod() { } 11. } What is the result?()

A. Compilation fails because of an error in line 3.
B. Compilation fails because of an error in line 7.
Compilation fails because of an error in line 9.
D. If you define D e = new E(), then e.bMethod() invokes the version of bMethod()defined in Line 5.
E. If you define D e = (D)(new E()),then e.bMethod() invokes the version of bMethod() defined in Line 5.
F. If you define D e = (D)(new E()), then e.bMethod() invokes the version of bMethod() defined in Line 9.



A. 序列拔牙又称为萌出诱导及诱导
B. 系列拔牙的目的是最终减数拔除第一前磨牙
C. 需要长期监控,一般每半年应摄全颌曲面断层片
D. 序列拔牙可能会减少前牙深覆
E. 序列拔牙治疗的病例一般不可能完全自行调整得很理想
