pany has implemented numerous multilayer switches that utilize FIB tables. Which statement is true about the Forward Information Base (FIB) table?()
A. The FIB is derived from the IP routing table and is optimized for maximum lookup throughput.
B. The FIB table is derived from the Address Resolution Protocol table, and it contains Layer 2 rewrite (MAC) information for the next hop.
C. When the FIB table is full, a wildcard entry redirects traffic to the Layer 3 engine.
D. The FIB lookup is based on the Layer 2 destination MAC address.
E. None of the other alternatives apply
已知某日沅水流域各区间降水量为:三板溪以上150mm,流域面积11000km2,三板溪至洪江200mm,流域面积31300 km2,洪江至五强溪250mm,流域面积24000 km2,酉水300mm,流域面积17500 km2,若径流系数按0.6计算,那么本次降水可产生多少水量?
王某,女,20岁,以“颊部皮疹半年,发热、周身浮肿、气短10天”为主诉入院。 患者半年前无诱因出现双侧颊部红斑,无瘙痒,伴脱发,反复口腔溃疡,未在意。 近2~3个月上述症状加重,同时出现双侧膝关节,踝关节肿痛,自行服用芬必得可暂时缓解。 10天前逐渐出现双下肢浮肿,且逐渐加重趋势,尿量减少,每日约500~800ml;气短,可平卧,无夜间憋醒或端坐呼吸。 当地肺CT示双肺间质改变,血气PaO2:51mmHg,双侧胸腔积液;血常规WBC:1.8109/L,Hb:72g/L, PLT:33109/L,尿常规Pr4+,RBC:58/HP,ANA:1:80,dsDNA2:+,SSA:+,PAIgG:+,患者诊断为系统性红斑狼疮,给予甲强龙500mg,丙球10g冲击治疗3日,症状无明显好转。 出现头痛,视物不清,间断抽搐,无二便失禁。 拟行血液净化治疗,请根据上述情况回答下列问题 治疗中患者出现心慌、出冷汗、血压86/54mmHg,下列处理不正确的是:()
A. 可将分浆速度减慢
B. 加快补浆速度使血压回升
C. 症状不缓解可停止分浆
D. 操作过程中动作轻柔,及时调整各种参数
E. 治疗完毕后,患者即可离开